
Client: Hamlet-Mobile 

a mobile, immersive theater experience re-imagining Hamlet, in a van, in short 10-15 minute segments, on the streets of LA as part of the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival. Audience members find out the location of the van via twitter, and show up for tiny performances (2 people at a time) of this incredible show.

Project: promotional postcard that doubles as a ticket. The director wanted a "punk 'zine vibe"

one of my favorite projects!

Postcard front and back. We opted for a round 4" that would easily fit in a pocket or purse without folding. Audience members had their tickets punched around the edges for each show they attended- the challenge was to find and attend all the episod…

Postcard front and back. We opted for a round 4" that would easily fit in a pocket or purse without folding. Audience members had their tickets punched around the edges for each show they attended- the challenge was to find and attend all the episodes.

The Van! The production designer continued the type treatment I designed for the postcard on the side of the van.

The Van! The production designer continued the type treatment I designed for the postcard on the side of the van.

A gorgeous shot from the production. Roses were a theme in the van and on the postcard!

A gorgeous shot from the production. Roses were a theme in the van and on the postcard!